Private, online divorce service that saves you time and money.

Family Law

 Services Provided by Miller Mediation

Divorce Mediation

Ideal for any married couple in Florida seeking any of the following: a low-cost divorce, a DIY divorce, online divorce services, divorce without lawyers, affordable divorce, divorce without an attorney, an amicable divorce.

Pre-Divorce Coaching

Coaching for an individual or couple considering divorce and has questions about rights and the process, but may not want to engage an attorney yet. Affordable, honest, divorce coaching by the hour. Easily and conveniently conducted by phone or online via Zoom.

Marriage Restoration

Designed to assist couples desiring a practical and direct approach to restoring their marriage. More coaching and directing and less counseling. Aimed at couples desperate yet serious about saving their marriage.

Post-Divorce Mediation

Helping couples who are already divorced settle issues that have arisen since their divorce was finalized. This may include spousal support, child support, or other areas needing resettling or redefining.

Affordable Divorce

A mediated divorce costs 80-90% less than a typical litigated divorce using lawyers

Online divorce mediation process

Settle your divorce and have all the necessary divorce documents completed online

Time is Money

Save time, money, frustration, and stress by using a neutral, certified, family law mediator to help you navigate through this stormy process

For couples experiencing marital challenges who want to stay together and restore their marriage.  Marriage Mediation can be a supplement or alternative to marital counseling to resolve current issues or work through stuck points in the marriage.  The process helps couples create their own strategy and practical plan for resolving conflict.

The Goal of Marriage Restoration:
Create a mutually agreed-upon customized, practical, and productive plan to reconcile and restore your marriage.

This service is available to couples living anywhere in the United States. Both parties must participate.

For couples with or without attorneys who have decided to divorce but desire a respectable process that empowers them to make their own decisions, build their own agreements, and avoid expensive, courtroom litigation.  This approach helps you begin building your future more honorably and respectfully.

The Goal of Marriage Settlement Mediation:
Create a mutually agreed-upon plan for the court to accept your MSA, and, if applicable, child support, parenting plan, distribution of assets, and alimony. Included is the preparation of all necessary paperwork drafted and e-filed with the court.

Flat fee pricing. No surprises.
Includes up to 10 hours of mediator’s time (includes all meeting time, correspondence, and document prep time)

Both parties must participate. At least one party must be a Florida resident.

For couples already divorced facing changing circumstances that require an adjustment in previous agreements.  Mediation of Post-divorce Issues aids you in resolving difficult issues while avoiding spending unnecessary time and money.

The Goal of Post-Divorce Mediation:
Create a mutually agreed-upon customized, practical, and productive plan to resolve post-divorce issues leading to greater harmony and reduced conflict.

Both parties must participate. At least one party must be a Florida resident.