Private, personalized, family law mediation that saves you time and money.

Family Law


A confidential, cost-effective, and self-directed approach.

Ready to schedule a mediation session?

Set a date and time on the Miller Mediation calendar.

 Services Provided by Miller Mediation

For couples experiencing marital challenges who want to stay together and restore their marriage.  Marriage Mediation can be a supplement or alternative to marital counseling to resolve current issues or work through stuck points in the marriage.  The process helps couples create their own strategy and practical plan for resolving conflict.

The Goal of Marriage Restoration:
Create a mutually agreed-upon customized, practical, and productive plan to reconcile and restore your marriage.

This service is available to couples living anywhere in the United States. Both parties must participate.

For couples with or without attorneys who have decided to divorce but desire a respectable process that empowers them to make their own decisions, build their own agreements, and avoid expensive, courtroom litigation.  This approach helps you begin building your future more honorably and respectfully.

The Goal of Marriage Settlement Mediation:
Create a mutually agreed-upon plan for the court to accept your MSA, and, if applicable, child support, parenting plan, distribution of assets, and alimony. Included is the preparation of all necessary paperwork drafted and e-filed with the court.

Flat fee pricing. No surprises.
Includes up to 10 hours of mediator’s time (includes all meeting time, correspondence, and document prep time)

Both parties must participate. At least one party must be a Florida resident.

For couples already divorced facing changing circumstances that require an adjustment in previous agreements.  Mediation of Post-divorce Issues aids you in resolving difficult issues while avoiding spending unnecessary time and money.

The Goal of Post-Divorce Mediation:
Create a mutually agreed-upon customized, practical, and productive plan to resolve post-divorce issues leading to greater harmony and reduced conflict.

Both parties must participate. At least one party must be a Florida resident.

Miller Mediation Process COMPARED TO Traditional Processes

Marriage Settlement Process with Miller Mediation

  • You are both in control of your future.
    Working together with your mediator you each get to decide what you say yes and no to.
  • Reduced stress and anxiety.
    The focus is on problem/conflict resolution.
  • No hidden costs.
    Flat-rate, up-front pricing. No retainers, no lawyers, no billable hours, and no surprise fees or costs.
  • Your privacy is protected.
    All your information remains private in mediation.
  • Operate on your timeframe.
    You set the timetable for your outcome.

Traditional Divorce Process with attorneys and judges

  • Your assigned judge is in control.
    Your judge is often forced to make decisions about your future without knowing you or your family.
  • High stress and anxiety.
    Lots of uncertainty, judges, lawyers, court appearances, and surprise costs.

  • Unpredictable, runaway costs.
    Large upfront retainers and constantly being billed by the hour. Unknown total costs. Expenses quickly can reach tens of thousands of dollars.
  • Public exposure.
    Divorce proceedings are public at the courthouse.
  • Court controlled timeframe.
    Once assigned to a judge, you are at the mercy of the courtroom schedule.



Kevin Miller

Kevin has a unique background and skillset making him an effective Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator.

Equipped with decades of business, ministry, consulting, coaching, and entrepreneurial experience, Kevin offers a truly unbiased approach to helping couples resolve their conflicts through mediation.

As a Christian, certified family law mediator, Kevin can genuinely help couples through practical, caring, effective mediation allowing them to resolve conflict and move forward graciously.

Benefits of Mediating Your Future


    Many attorneys are very expensive costing both parties lots of money. A long, drawn out case can quickly add up to excessive expenses. With Miller Mediation both parites pay one flat fee and you decide your outcome, not an attorney or judge.
    Without the confrontational nature of a litigation, especially one that is often seen in a custody battle, parents are able to work out custody issues with their child’s best interests in mind. Miller Mediation is there to help keep the focus on respectful and productive dialogue, and keep the peace during a time that is usually heated and emotion-filled, which often leads to the process getting stuck as parties attack each other.
    In a litigated divorce, any and all documents submitted are considered public records. Miller Mediation offers privacy and confidentiality with your private information. Depending on numerous factors, including a personal preference for privacy, parties may want to use mediation to stay out of the public eye, or at least keep their personal information out of public record.
    Because the courts are heavily flooded with cases, the speed of a litigated divorce process is often at the mercy of the court’s schedule availability, which usually leaves huge gaps of time between court dates, sometimes as much as 6-12 months. This not only drags the process on, it also leaves a lot of time for increased conflict, as parties can get anxious and impulsive, feeling as if they have been forgotten, and the need to take control. However, using Miller Mediation, the process is controlled by you. Most cases can be completed in 10 hours or less of mediation completed in less than a month total time.
    With Miller Mediation you discuss and agree on the terms and conditions of your future. Don’t leave that up to anyone else to decide for you.

Marriage Settlement Mediation Helps Parties Resolve These Issues

Equatible Distribution of Assets & Liabilities

Marital bank accounts, homes, vehicles, property, retirement accounts, investments, businesses, assets, and debt are identified and equitably shared.

Child Support & Parenting Plan

If minor children are involved, child support is a calculated amount paid by one parent to the other based on each parent’s actual gross monthly or imputed income, the number of overnights each parent will have with the children in a year, and who pays for healthcare and childcare.


Alimony is an amount agreed on by both parties if at all, paid for a set amount of time, called durational, or permanently until remarried or death.

Marriage Settlement Process

Miller Mediation offers Marriage Restoration to couples in any state in the US.
Marriage settlement and post-divorce mediation services are offered exclusively in the state of Florida.

All mediation is done privately and remotely using Zoom.